Falls Church - Annandale Lions Club
Citrus Fruit Sales

Sales for 2024-25 are planned for November 16 and 17, December 21, February 15 and 16, and March 15. We will again hold the sales in the parking lot of the Annandale Swim and Tennis Club at 7530 Little River Turnpike, between Wendy's and McDonald's.  Visit MapQuest for a location map.  If you would like to be added to our fruit sales mailing list (postal mail or email or both), please contact us.

Types of fruit, quantities, and pricing may vary between sales.  Prices for the February 15, 2025,  fruit sale appear in the table below.   Drive safely, and enjoy our drive-through service--stay in your car and stay warm.!

Description Count Case Half Quarter
Red Grapefruit 40 $65 $34 $18
Fancy Oranges 72 $65 $34 $18
Gala Apples 88/100 $60 $32 $18
D'Anjou Pears 110/120 $75 $40 $20

Driscoll Strawberries, 1-pound container, $7

Clementines, 3-pound bag: $8

Falls Church-Annandale Lions Famous Bean Soup Mix:  $6 per bag

Please bring cans of food for the ACCA Food Bank.

White Fruit Sale, by Sid Jaffe

 (With apologies to the late Irving Berlin for the use
of one of his most beloved songs and melodies, White Christmas.)

 I'm fearful of a white fruit sale 
Just like the ones I used to know 
Where the streets all glisten, 
and Lions listen 
To hear feet stamping in the snow 

I'm fearful of a white fruit sale 
With every box of fruit I load 
May your boxes be full yet light 
And may this fruit sale not be white 

I'm dreaming of a sold out fruit sale 
With every order filled just right 
May our December sale day be merry and bright 
And may this fruit sale not be cold and white

Neither rain, nor snow, nor gloom of night, could keep the Falls Church - Annandale Lions from their appointed rounds.
Pictures of citrus fruit sales on November 16, 2002.


Falls Church - Annandale Lions Club
Post Office Box 6132
Falls Church, Virginia 22040