Falls Church - Annandale (Virginia) Lions Club

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Club Information

Service Activities

Fund Raising

Eyeglass and Hearing Aid Recycling

Speakers Bureau

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Next Citrus Fruit Sale: March 15 and 16, 2025

Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) #34321

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Club Meetings

The Club meets monthly at 7:00 P.M. on the third Tuesday of each month for dinner at the Italian Cafe, 7161 Lee Highway in Falls Church. Our meetings generally include a speaker or other presentation, and plenty of fellowship among the members and guests. Members gather before the meeting to order dinner off the menu.  Official business is usually conducted at a separate monthly board meeting normally held on the first Monday of the month.

Club Calendar

Date and Time Event Location
Monday, February 3
7:00 PM

Hybrid Board of Directors Meeting
Mike McLaughlin's House and Virtual
8971 Colesbury Place
Fairfax, VA.
Saturday, February 15
8:15 AM - 2 PM

Sunday, February 16 11 AM - 1 PM

Citrus Fruit Sale Annandale Swim & Tennis Club
7530 Little River Turnpike
Annandale, VA 22003
Tuesday, February 18
6:30 PM Social
7:00 PM Meeting

Dinner Meeting
Italian Cafe
7161 Lee Highway
Falls Church, VA.
Monday, March 3
7:00 PM

Hybrid Board of Directors Meeting
Mike McLaughlin's House and Virtual
8971 Colesbury Place
Fairfax, VA.
Saturday, March 15
8:15 AM - 2 PM

Sunday, March 16
9:30 AM - 12 Noon

Citrus Fruit Sale Annandale Swim & Tennis Club
7530 Little River Turnpike
Annandale, VA 22003
Tuesday, March 18
6:30 PM Social
7:00 PM Meeting

Dinner Meeting
Italian Cafe
7161 Lee Highway
Falls Church, VA.
Tuesday, March 25
1 PM - 3 PM

Site and Hearing Screening
Grace Christian Academy
3233 Annandale Rd, Falls Church, Virginia 22042
Monday, April 7
7:00 PM

Hybrid Board of Directors Meeting
Mike McLaughlin's House and Virtual
8971 Colesbury Place
Fairfax, VA.
Tuesday, April 15
6:30 PM Social
7:00 PM Meeting

Dinner Meeting
Italian Cafe
7161 Lee Highway
Falls Church, VA.


Lions are men and women who give their time for humanitarian purposes in their local and larger communities. By conducting service projects and raising funds, Lions help those in need. 

The Lions Motto is "We Serve." Lions was founded in 1917 in the city of Chicago. Since that time Lions Clubs International has become the world's largest service organization with over 1.3 million members worldwide. 

Helen Keller gave a talk at the 1925 Lions International Convention where she challenged Lions to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness." As a result, Lions have made service to the blind and the visually impaired their most significant activity, an activity that has led to the establishment of "Sight First"-- a global blindness prevention and eradication program.

Lions also participate in service activities emphasizing research into the causes and treatment of sight and hearing loss, diabetics education, drug awareness, and education programs. Lions work with the physically and mentally impaired, support environmental issues, community welfare, international understanding, and youth programs. 

Mission Statement for Lions International.   Lions International Purpose and Ethics

Who Are the Falls Church - Annandale Lions?

We are a diverse group of men and women who have been serving the Falls Church and Annandale communities for generations. Chartered in 1940 (Falls Church) and 1948 (Annandale), we have seen many changes, but our community still has many needs requiring Lions to typify our motto, "We Serve."

Information on the Lions Organization or becoming a member

If you would like more information on Lions, or if you are interested in becoming a Lion, please click here.   Or, contact us.   


Lion Jim receives instruction in Sight and Hearing Screening Van



Falls Church - Annandale Lions Club
Post Office Box 6132
Falls Church, Virginia 22040